Monday, April 27, 2009

Not in Denial: I'm a Clutz

I remember one of the first few dates with Ian, I tripped. Before he could ask if I was alright, I was already giggling uncontrollably. I told him I trip a lot so to not be surprised by it.

It certainly was a clue to him then that I am a clutz. I fall more often than the average person does. If I'm walking outside and there is a little difference between two slabs of concrete and one is a little higher than the other, my foot will inevitably catch it. My first day in Spain when I was studying abroad, we were sightseeing in Madrid with the entire group. Coming out of the train station up the steps, I completely bit it and ended up on all fours. I just can't help it.

But one area where I am not normally a clutzy is all the years I danced. On stage, I didn't trip, I didn't fall. Somehow I managed to avoid it. I also never had falling/tripping issues in all the years I played soccer.

This is all leading me to say - I think the clutziness is leaking into those areas that I was not normally a clutz. I have not made it through a freaking kickball game without falling! I can't move my feet quickly enough - it's like they won't keep up with my upper body.

What makes people trip more often than others? Am I doing something wrong? Did I learn how to walk and run incorrectly as a little girl and have been doing it wrong ever since? Is it because of my poor eye sight? Do I not pay attention well enough?

Luckily with all the practice, I don't get embarrassed from it very often. And Ian said he actually likes it about me - it's funny. Hey - at least I'm entertaining to be around - or embarrassing, I guess it depends on who you are. And don't even get me started on the falls I've had while being drunk!


  1. AT LEAST you don't break a bone every time you fall! And I don't mean fall hard either, I mean those "whoops, I tripped" but mine go "Whoops, I tripped, and broke my arm again!" hahaha

    I'm the same way, even if I break something I always giggle right away out of the pure fact that I tripped again!!

  2. Stacy - I know you are definitely with me on this one.


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