Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sky Diving

After my last two posts being rants, I think it's time to lighten things up a little bit.

I've always wanted to skydive.  I've looked into it a little bit here and there.  But have never found anyone to do it with (Ian has absolutely no desire).  And I want to talk with someone who has skydived before.  Have any of you done this?

There's something so freeing and liberating about it.  I read that it feels like you're flying, not that it feels like you're falling.  This is a relief to me (assuming it's true).  I read one skydiving website and through them you freefall for about 1 minute.  I keep debating whether that 1 minute feels like seconds or a lifetime.  Then, you descent for about 10-15 minutes, and see some of the most beautiful scenery ever.  This is the part I imagine will freak me out more than the freefalling because you actually have time to think. 

I know I will be peeing my pants beforehand, but I think once I'm in the air it'll all be worth it.  But there's still a part of me that's scared.  So I'm trying to find someone who wants to do it, so that we can be scared together. 

This is definitely something I want to do before we have babies.  So I've got some time to decide where and when to do it.  I really wish Ian was interested - I think it would be incredible for both of us to experience it.  Honey, want to rethink that whole you're not into jumping out of a plane at 11,000 feet idea?  Anyone up for the challenge?


  1. I've been! Totally unplanned, totally random - my first trip to OC I went with a friend who's brother's new wife (get that?!) bought him a skydiving jump for their wedding gift - so he and a friend were going. Over a box of wine I decided what the heck - you only live once!

    I've actually been thinking about doing it again! I loved it - the worst part for me was being in the rickety plane - I couldn't WAIT to JUMP! I also was strapped to a strapping young man, who I told I was only going to do this once so I wanted to go all out. He asked if I got motion sickness and I said "Nope" and away we went! It was soooo fun!! I would definetly do it again!

  2. Stacy - How the hell didn't I know this?! LET'S GO! You would be the perfect person to do this with.

  3. Where were you looking to go!?!

  4. I've always wanted to do this... but I'm terrified of heights and flying... and falling. I'd probably pee and poop myself.

  5. Stacy - I have no idea where to go. But I looked at a place that's on the Bay I think!

    Kim - Ian's big problem is the plane. That and he hates heights - so it's not looking promising for him to join me on this, as much as I REALLY want him to.

  6. Too bad we don't live closer because this is something I've always wanted to do too. Wish it wasn't so expensive though.

  7. Shannon - It IS expensive - ugh. I'll keep you updated on my plans to do it.


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