Tuesday, May 5, 2009

1/3 DONE!!

And by 1/3, I mean I am finished my first year of law school (of the 3 total). I am SO freaking relieved and feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. This has been in some respects the longest and in other respects the shortest 9 months of my life. I am so grateful to have had this experience - even the hellish stressful times. It has made me stronger, more aware of myself and how strong my relationship is with my husband, and hopefully made me wiser. I feel a huge sense of pride at having come this far.

To my friends and family - I am eternally grateful for their patience, love, and support. I escaped from people's lives for days, weeks, sometimes even months at a time without talking to some of my closest friends, but not once did I hear anything but understanding from them. People who I never imagined would be supportive surprised me with how much they encouraged me.

People say they can't imagine being married while going through law school - but I can say that I don't think I could've made it without Ian. He was patient with me when I deserved it the least. He cared for me when I was being selfish. And he occasionally put me in my place that brought me back to reality.

So this week of celebration (yes, I'm that excited to make it a week long thing - maybe even longer), I will be celebrating what I've accomplished and remembering that I couldn't have done it without my amazing hubby, family, and friends.


  1. I'm so proud of you! congrats on being 1/3 of the way there! You have made law school and the first year of marriage seem easy! Way to go girl.

  2. Annie - Thank you!! I so appreciate the words of enthusiasm!


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