Monday, May 19, 2008

It's a Blur

I feel like as we get closer, my weekend recaps become longer and even more all over the place than before. Our weekends in some ways feel extremely long because of how much we get done, but in other ways feels super short because we don't have a lot of quality time together nor do we have just relaxing time. I also start panicking every weekend fearing that I'm going to forget to do something that is important.

Weekends are full of minute details that tend to be tedious and somehow exhausting. Wrapping 7 bridesmaid gifts had me wanting a nap. After doing a load of laundry I feel I need to lay down for a few minutes. Who have I turned into? An 80 year old woman - maybe so.

Also, any sense of keeping up with housework has gone down the tubes. We barely manage to clean up about once a week and by the end of the week when we need to clean again, our house looks like a tornado has hit it. For the life of me, I cannot gather the energy to hang up my clothes I wore to work, so throughout the week, the pile of work clothes piles all over the bedroom leaving paths for us to walk through. The mail amounts during the week until finally we can take it no more and we HAVE to clean for about 2 hours. I will be slightly relieved when all this wedding craziness is over and I can relax and thoroughly clean. Wow - I'm a loser.

So here's a little breakdown of our weekend:
  • Saturday was a big craze. Ian was up an running by 7:30 for his usual long Saturday run - this week was 7 miles. I got Tessa up at 8 am took her for a walk to greet Ian and cheer him on during the last mile. Tessa thought him running was a game and proceeded to bit his shorts as he ran by. We then took her to the vet where we got medicine for her pink eye, and the doctor performed the lovely procedure of expressing Tessa's anal glands. Tessa was mad at us after that - can you blame her? We then went to Ian's bank to close out his savings account, went to my bank to open a joint account, as well as Ian open up a regular account. Then - off to grab bagels and go to get a card for Chris and Chrissy. Ian dropped me off at home and off he headed to get a haircut. It didn't turn out so well so we know he'll be styling his own hair for the wedding. Off to Baltimore we went for Chris and Chrissy's wedding at my college chapel, and their reception was at a nearby golf club. It was very lovely and I was taking notes the entire time to remind myself of things I'm missing. I had far too much to drink and danced the entire night - good times.
  • Sunday I woke up with a killer headache but worked through it in time to go see my goddaughter, who also is our flower girl, in her dance recital. She's 6 years old and is so freaking cute I can't stand it. On our way home, we did our grocery shopping. We then cleaned up our house and did lots of laundry. Made a yummy dinner. Emailed tons of people that haven't sent in their response cards (we've received about 50 of the 100 response cards - eek!). Stayed up to wrap the bridesmaids presents. Wrote thank you cards for the gifts we've received thus far.

It was a busy busy weekend. Tonight, I have my 2nd dress fitting. Hopefully I'll come away in a better mood than my last fitting!

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