Monday, July 12, 2010

38 Week Checkup and the Weekend

I was relaxing and catching up with one of my close friends all day on Friday so I didn't get around to posting.  My friend actually went with me to my 38 week checkup!

Checkup was great - blood pressure, weight gain, and baby's heart rate were all great.  I've now met with each of the 5 midwives...and I love every one of them.  I am so thrilled with our choice in providers!  Baby girl's heart rate accelerated while we were listening to it.  Our midwife says that basically our girl just gave us what a non-stress test would do.  After our midwife poked around and felt to make sure baby is still in a good position, she listened to her heart beat and lovey began moving like a maniac, and her heart did what it was supposed to do when she moves - it sped up.

For some reason, yesterday officially began the day that everyone starts calling/texting/emailing to check in.  People are now starting to ask "is she here yet"?  I just respond that they will know when she arrives because we have an email list already ready to go for when that day comes.  Other questions - when do I feel like I'll go into labor.  Quite honestly - I have no idea.  I'm hanging out and continuing to maintain a clean house, and keeping food in the house that will be okay for me to eat while I'm in labor.  But as to when I think this baby is coming - I really don't know anymore.  I used to think she would come early - but now that everyone has told me they think she's coming early, I've gotten it in my head that she'll be 2 weeks late.  At least that way, I won't be disappointed when her due date comes and goes and I still have no baby in my arms.

I have to admit that I will start getting a bit nervous if she's late.  But really, the only reason I really am hoping she'll come early or on time is because I want as much time home with her as possible.  Going back to school 4-5 weeks after her due date is scary to me.  But having even less time to recover and be home with her if she's late is even scarier to me.  I want to get breastfeeding down before I head back.  And I want that bonding time with her!  But really, this is out of my control so I'm trying to let go of it.  She will come when she and my body are ready for her to come.  Emotionally though, I'm totally ready! 

Friday night we went out with friends for Indian food - it was amazing and delicious and a funny dinner overall.  I was hoping the indian spices would get labor rolling - but no such luck.

We took a breastfeeding class on Saturday.  It was really informative, especially for Ian.  I had already read So That's What They're For (thanks for the recommendation, Nanette!  And as a sidenote, if you're interested in learning about breastfeeding, I highly recommend that book!), but Ian hadn't read that book.  It was great for him to understand why I am so interested in breastfeeding.    Obviously, he had heard that there were some benefits for the baby - but it was helpful to hear what the research shows and understand the specifics about the benefits.  (NOTE - breastfeeding v. formula is a personal decision!  for us, breastfeeding is our hope.  Just want to be clear that I'm not judging!). 

Finally, yesterday we slept in.  It felt amazing.  We also went to church and spent the day just the two of us.  We watched the final World Cup game, then took a big nap.  A lazy Sunday indeed!


  1. I hate that my bb doesn't let me comment! I read ALL your posts...but I am never in front of my computer ever!!! BUT now that I am...I can say that I am so super excited for you!!! This is great! You must be getting so excited for her to come! :) I like the idea of the email list...will have to do that!!!

  2. Eeee! You're so close, mama! Can't wait!

    So glad you like that book, too. It'll also come in handy when you arrive home & try to remember all the nursing tricks.


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