Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have lots of misc. things to mention.
  1. Last Friday, I went to my first Zumba class. My gym offers lots of free classes and I had heard that this one is not only a good workout, but a lot of energetic dancing fun. Well, I had a freak asthma attack 20 minutes into it, but I have to say I LOVED the 20 minutes I was there. I grew up dancing all the way through college, so anything that combines a dance aspect makes me happy. This was a combination of latin dance with aerobics. It was fantastic and fast paced and everything. It feels a little goofy the first 5 minutes, but luckily I was in the back of the class so I could see there were most certainly lots of people who weren't very rhythym talented. They also make sure to put the lights low so you feel comfortable to move around. There was only one man in the class, and I'm most certain he was gay. I don't think this is a class I can get Ian to go to - it's a class to take a girlfriend with! I most certainly will be heading back there.
  2. I pulled my first all-nighter 2 nights ago in order to finish a project (a motion for summary judgment for any other legal people out there, and for the non-legal people, it was a huge 12 page paper without about 100 pages worth of research). At about 3:30am I hit a wall and felt like I wanted to die - I was nauseous, had the chills and felt like collapsing. So I proceeded to do a few sets of jumping jacks to wake up a bit. I finally managed to crawl into bed at 4:45am and woke up at 6:15am for Ian to proof my paper. I guess I can't technically call it an all-nighter because I did get 1.5 hours of sleep.
  3. Because of #2, I was one cranky biatch yesterday. I used my horn much more frequently than I normally do (and I have to admit, I use the horn like it's my job). I was snappy and sleepy and mean. I made it through class and an oral argument in front of the class, then came home and crawled into bed. Just as I crawled into bed, I was all cranky and whiny and when someone banged on the door and started down the steps to answer the door, I was preparing in my head something mean to say. I swung open the door to find flowers in the doorway from my darling hubby. He's the best. It's funny how in a matter of seconds suddenly your day doesn't seem quite as bad.
  4. If you're looking for a website to cheer you up, check this one out: F*** My Life.

I'm off to get work done and get the house ready for the weekend - two of my law school friends are staying at our house for the weekend to watch Tessa. Ahhh, it's like we have a child - except ours is extremely hairy.

1 comment:

  1. My friend introduced me to that site... it's hilarious!

    I def. want to try this Zumba class.

    And kudos to Ian!


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