Thursday, May 15, 2008


I have been trying to search for a last present for my junior bridesmaid and flower girl. One of the presents I got the older ladies wasn't quite appropriate for the younger girls. I came across a website through a recommendation on the knot: NNichols. I found some adorable items and snatched the last one of two items for my two younger girls. I wish I could show pictures but since I grabbed the last of them, they aren't on the website now! They have some very cute stuff, bulk favors (that are super cheap). Would totally love to order more from this website in the future. I'll let you know the result when my stuff arrives!

I have started getting a little nervous about my florist. I've heard some unfavorable reviews on the knot boards. Not all of them are bad - some of them have been very good. But the inconsistency makes me nervous so I'm going to go meet with the owner again to let him know what I've heard and see if that puts my fears at ease. Otherwise, the deposit was not much and I can try to find another florist - but we're cutting it close at this point.

Also heard this morning that one of our guests never received their invitation. EEK! Is this common? We've had a lot of issues with the mail recently - some shower invites never made it to guests, now our invitation not getting to a guest. I would think it's just our mail - but the shower invitations went out through my Matron-of-Honor at her house. Not really sure what the deal is. I have no idea if more people didn't receive theirs. We sent out exactly 100 invitations and have only received 45 response cards. They are due to us by - um - Saturday. I guess we'll be making quite a few phone calls:(

We opened some wedding presents last night that arrived. That's always such an exciting feeling! We received our napkin rings, toaster oven, and our first piece of china (the sugar bowl). It's all so fun! The only not fun part is that we're keeping everything packed in the second bedroom. Since we'll be moving so soon after getting back from the honeymoon, I'm keeping everything packed neatly and securely so we don't have to repack anything. But it will make moving into a new place together that much more exciting - we'll have all new stuff (instead of the hand-me-downs or college stuff we've been using).

Now, about that move, the question we're getting asked by people almost everyday - where are you guys moving and what school are you going to? Uhh - I don't know yet. It's stressful not knowing! I'm just putting it on the backburned until we have a clear choice to make.

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