Thursday, May 8, 2008


The owner of the store was fantastic. She apologized and was very proactive. She had already called the manufacturer to figure our a solution. The solution was for the manufacter to rush order the section that needed to be replaced. Problem - it wouldn't be here for 4 weeks and then all the alterations would have to be made then. I went by the store after work to decide what is best. After trying on my dress, I decided not to risk the timing and move forward with it as is. It's still beautiful without the changes and maybe it all happened for a reason anyway! Overall, the owner recovered well and I still like where I got my dress!

Oh - and I can wear my pink shoes for the wedding day. The dress is long enough for them!

I'm excited that we've received many responses already! Although considering that we're supposed to receive them all by May 17 - I think they're coming in a little slowly. We haven't received many "no" responses which is exciting.

Here is the most recent list I made of things I need to get finished soon:
  • Ceremony - finish choosing music
  • Donate $ to Washington Animal Rescue League
  • Get Ian's ring engraved
  • Get present for Ian
  • Create a gift box
  • Wrap bridesmaids presents (good reminder Kim!)
  • Present for junior bridesmaid and flower girl - any good ideas for these??
  • Write out ceremony readings and intentions for priest
  • Check with hotel on a vegan meal option
  • Get hair accessories
  • Cancel previous makeup person

Tonight, Ian is heading out with some friends for drinks so I have another "me" night - yay! I think I will work on some of these to-do items while watching a movie!

Speaking of movies, we watched Rendition last night (Reese and Jake) and thought it was another good movie! It wasn't rated that well, but it was good I thought - rated it a 3/5 on Netflix.

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