Thursday, December 3, 2009


I am super delayed in talking about this!  A couple weeks ago, the lovely Carrie at Love, Laugh, Eat Ice Cream gave me a blog award.  Thanks so much for thinking of me!  If you haven't checked out her blog, do it!  She talks about her newlywed life with her hubby.

Here it goes:

1. Where is your cell phone: Don't know at the moment

2. Your hair: Long and very dirty blonde (probably more light brown at this point - it didn't see much sun over the summer)

3. Your mother: emotional and creative

4. Your father: smart and old

5. Your favorite food: it depends on my mood - but I do really love ice cream

6. Your dream from last night: vacationing in NC

7. Your favorite drink: wine

8. Your dream/goal: to be able to balance home and work life happily

9. What room are you in: family room

10. What is your hobby: blogging, playing the pup

11. What is your fear: throwing up, and waking up while someone is breaking into the house

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: happy with Ian and kids

13. Where were you last night: at a review session and home

14. Something you are not: without a conscience

15. Muffins: blueberry
16. Wish List items: to finish the next couple weeks strong

17. Where did you grow up: Rockville, MD

18. Last thing you did: talk to the hubs

19. What are you wearing: pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt

20. Your TV: is new and was a present for Ian's bday

21. Your pets: Tessa

22. Your friends: supportive, loyal, understanding, individuals

23. Your life: crazy

24. Your mood: procrastinating (not even sure if that's a mood)

25. Missing someone: missing having my close friends nearby

26. Vehicle: Jeep Cherokee

27. Something your not wearing: bra
28. Your favorite store: Banana or J. Crew

29. Your favorite color: green

30. When's the last time you laughed: on the phone with hubs

31. When's the last time you cried: Tuesday night - Biggest Loser

32. Your best friend: the hubs - but I have 3 best girlfriends

33. One place you go over and over: Samos (amazing greek restaurant)

34. One person who emails me regularly: my law school

35. Favorite place to eat? Addie's in Rockville, near where we used to live

I am awarding this to:

Feisty Survivors Unite - because she is a very close real life friend and her story is inspiring - so lucky to have her in our lives.

La Petite Chic because I love how honest she is in her writing

Charm City Kim because she is another real life friend and openly talks about funny topics (farting, pooping, etc.)


  1. Cute blog and congrats on the award!!

  2. thanks for the shout out! Not to be totally lazy but I did one of these awhile ago. :-)

  3. Now I'm craving Samos...

  4. Stacy - We just went to Samos after I wrote this post! So freaking good.

    La Petite Chic - Surely lady!

    Feistysurvivor - you're the best.


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