Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Real Life v. Blog Life

I was reading a post recently about how bloggers can have secret lives through their blogs, letting out different sides of their personalities to the blogging world, and sharing details we might not so readily share with our close "real-life" friends.  It got me thinking about what I do differently on this blog compared to real life. 

I actually have a little bit of a sailor's mouth in real life.  But I tend to curb that bad habit here on this blog, much like I curb that bad habit in the work place and with family.  But at home, Ian and I drop F-bombs left and right without even really noticing.

There are also certain topics I do not discuss on this blog for fear of offending friends or family.  For example, I do not discuss my parent's divorce (which happened about 3 years ago), even though I'm sure sharing some of my feelings about it would help me, and many others out there who witnessed their parents go through a hard process like mine.  I also do not want people judging my parents - I love them both dearly despite issues I have with their situation.  But behind this blog, I battle with issues from their divorce on a very regular basis.  That's a whole part of my life which I keep quiet about here.

I also have to be careful venting about friend situations.  There have been a lot of things that have come up over the past couple years of blogging that would have been hilarious to discuss on here (well funny in my eyes, probably not so funny to the friend I would be talking about).  And also some situations that truly hurt me, which I wish I could share with you to get it off my chest, and to get outside opinions.

I also do not really discuss my sex life (hi mom!).  This is partly because Ian would be incredibly uncomfortable with it, and because I have some family members that read this.  Also, I just feel a little bit like an embarrassed middle-schooler who is weirded out by S-E-X.  Oh, and Ian and I talk a LOT about poop and farts at home, but I don't think I talk about it much here.  It's a big topic of ours in our "real-life."

I am sure there are countless other things that I do not discuss here, or that I do discuss here that I don't normally discuss elsewhere.  But overall, I think this blog is fairly true to who I am.  And I've even been thinking about ways to discuss some of the indiscussables (not a word - I just made it up).

How is your real-life different from your blogging-life?


  1. I don't talk about sex or details about work.

    But pooping and farting take up a good chunk of my life so I can't avoid chatting about it! :-)

    I also don't post irritations I may have with friends just because you never know who is reading.

  2. I have only once posted about my sex life, and I'm not really sure why, but it was when I first started my blog and I think it was a way of just getting feelings out. I have no idea if I'd post about it again.

    I also don't really post anything about fights that my husband and I have. Fights are a reality of life and marriage, but maybe I just never want anyone to think badly of my husband who I love so much so I just don't write about it!

  3. Kim - that is one thing I forgot to mention - I don't talk about work either (at least when I was working).

    Ally - Me neither! I don't talk about fights with the hubby. Some things are just meant to be private I think!


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