Friday, February 20, 2009

Never Again

Never again will I eat at a cheeseburger place that rhymes with Dive Dyes. I either managed to get some type of food poisoning, or have some stomach bug - my guess is on the former considering I started getting sick about 30 minutes after eating there. It was not a fun night and I missed class today.

Anyways - I promise I will update soon with photos and stories from our weekend in NYC for my brother's wedding! Until then, here's a recap from dinner the night before my brother's wedding. We got there and had time to just hang out at his place in Hoboken, play with his adorable kitten, and just relax. It was so nice to have that time with him before the craziness began.

My brother decided to do dinner with just our family so my mom, dad, my mom's cousin and Ian and I joined him for dinner. We had dinner in Hoboken at Madisons Bar & Grill. It was absolutely delicious! Then, Ian and I said our good-byes and wished him luck and headed into the city to check into our hotel. Driving on valentine's day night in the city at around 10pm - not a good idea. We finally made it there and checked in, but I'll save that recap for next post! Here are some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. For the life of me I can't think of what rhymes with Dives Dyes! hahaha for two days now it's been driving me nuts!!


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