Thursday, August 21, 2008

Getting Settled

We FINALLY have internet! YAYYYYY! Things have been crazy! Let me try to make it brief.
  • Last Friday was my last day at work. It was sad and exciting and frightening all at once. I may go into more detail about this at some point. But for now, I miss my close friends from work a lot.
  • Last Friday I also got a phone call from my brother to tell me some exciting news - he's engaged!! Can't wait to celebrate with him and his now fiance!
  • We packed all last weekend - fun fun.
  • I chopped my hair off - I think about 8 inches probably. It's now a bob. It's barely long enough to fit into a low ponytail - and that's if I take the time to straighten it. When I wear it curly, which is the majority of the time, it's very very short.
  • Monday, I spent 3.5 hours at the DMV. I needed to transfer the title to my car from my parents name to my own name. In MD, you have to go on a weekday. My license was also up for renewal so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. Well, they didn't accept my form because of the way it was dated. Damnit! They also won't let you take one number for two services, but luckily I made nice with one of the workers and she gave me two numbers for the two different lines I had to be in so I could wait for them at the same time. Finally, after 3.5 hours, I got a new license. I then went home and had to get my parents to complete a new form and now I have to take the time to go back. We'll see when that one happens.
  • Tuesday we spent the day with the movers moving into our new house. Ian's parents came to help handle Tessa and help us with other move related items. Tessa spent the day on leash next to one of us and was not happy.
  • Since then, I've been playing housewife - unpacking, cleaning, cooking, making Ian's lunch, grocery shopping, running errands, walking Tessa. I have a lot more respect for housewives after the past few days. It's exhausting! It's also exhausting making/taking phone calls all day for house related things - comcast, alarm system company, plumber, movers.
  • I took my first drive to campus, got my parking pass, student ID (I am happy I thought to do my hair and makeup before heading over there!), and picked up my books. A whole $750 worth of books - and that's only for first semester - oh and a couple of the books were used books. That's freakin expensive!!
  • I have to use my GPS to go everywhere - grocery shopping, home depot, gas station. You name it - I have no idea where it is!

I have some pictures to post and hope to get those up tomorrow. Until then, I'm busy catching up on my daily blogs! How are you guys?

1 comment:

  1. You've been slacking on the blog! just kidding. anyway, i'm still waiting to hear about your brother's proposal, and about your last day of work! guess you dont need those boxes??


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