I just got back from my check-up and everything is still going well. I am measuring on schedule this time instead of 2 weeks ahead like last visit. Baby girl is still head down and heart rate is good. Blood pressure and weight are fine. And I love, love, love the midwife I saw today. She's super chatty, asks lots of questions and is genuinely interested in my desires for this birth. She spent about 1/2 hr with me.
We're meeting with a doula on Sunday morning who has been recommended by a few people. The midwife just delivered someone on Friday who was with this doula, and recommended the person as well. Hopefully that will go well and then we can officially be finished with our doula search!
Last night was our 3rd birthing class and it was good once again. Ian managed to stay awake through the relaxation exercise (at least most of it). Making progress!
You know...Jon would do the EXACT same thing - be sound asleep - and snoring loudly - at the first sound of relaxing music!!