Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Ha - so today is my 25th birthday. Normally, I am so excited for my birthday. Today, however, I woke up feeling kind of blah about it. Not sad or upset - just doesn't really feel like my birthday. I hear that as you get older, birthdays become less important. NO! I don't want this! I want to love my birthday and enjoy becoming more mature! I refuse to believe it!

I think this feeling is partly to do with my upcoming surgery. This is not a serious surgery - they are fixing a tendon in my ankle. But, I simply don't do well with surgeries. If you know me, you know I get very anxious about anything relating to blood or doctors (more than just a regular checkup or going in for a cold or sore throat). Although, this is going to be a great learning experience for the future hubby as he'll have complete responsibility for walking Tessa, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of me for at least 4 weeks! And my time off of work could easily be spent doing a little online Christmas shopping or wedding research! Score!

I do have to say I was pleasantly surprised with Ian's enthusiasm this morning - he gets really excited about giving presents. He gave me a gift certificate, a Friends season, a cd, 2 cards, and gum. Yes - gum. I'm quite obsessed with chewing gum and happy that he knows it! Also - I went into my weekly team meeting at work and to my surprise, my team had gotten me a delicious birthday cake and sang to me! I'm going to miss these people when I go to law school!

Tonight, Ian is taking me somewhere for dinner - have no idea where or when. But as the day goes on, I'm feeling the excitement of my birthday because of everyone who is making me smile!


  1. Aw - yay! Happy birthday!! I try to milk it as much as possible. :)

    And good luck with the surgery!

  2. Birthdays are ALWAYS fun! I still even celebrate my half birthday which I think is right around Ian's! haha

    happy birthday :)


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